
Tanja Scheithauer, born in Göttingen (Germany) has lived for many years in Mexico and Hungary.

She currently lives and works in West Yorkshire, UK.

Coming from the areas of fashion-design and production, her passion for painting and drawing has always been an essential part of her life. Expanding to experiences in film such as production design, costume design and creation, as well as set dressing, e.g. www.shj-movie.com.

Over the years, experimenting with techniques and materials, she has developed her skills and style. Although her main focus lies in painting with oil, she also works with inks, acrylics and explores the possibilities of sculpting with plaster and leather. Her style is contemporary.

Among other things, she studied painting techniques for 2 years with the Hungarian Artist Katalin Haász.


All pictures – © Tanja Scheithauer 2015

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